A podcast dedicated to answering the question: What is Communication? Marie, Matt, Michelle, Michael, and Rachel are all licensed and certified Speech and Language Pathologists. They break down the latest in Speech and Language Therapy, interview leaders in the field, and apply evidence-based practice to their discussions.

Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Cameras in the Classroom & Military Children and Delays in Therapy
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Introducing two new co-hosts! Rachel Archambault and Marie Serverson join the show permanently! Marie, Matt, Michael, Michelle, and Rahcel dive into the research and pop news in and related to the field of Speech and Language Pathology and the Informed SLP breaks down the latest research. On this week’s episode the group discusses a new law putting cameras into the classroom and the reason why Military Children have such a delay in getting special education services. The Informed SLP looks at the importance of play.
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
SSPOD Shoutout: Do you know an SLP who deserves a digital fist bump or shout-out? We want to know your #SSPODSHOUTOUT, which is recognition for someone doing something awesome somewhere.
SSPOD Due Process: Your opportunity to message us about a problem in your area that you would like us to talk about, use the #SSPODDUEPROCESS.
Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Discord: https://discord.speechsciencepodcast.com
Speech Science Stuff: http://merchandise.speechsciencepodcast.com/
Presence Learning GiveAway: http://giveaway.speechsciencepodcast.com/
New Episode and Interact here:
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Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Districts Can Silence Parents in Due Process and Building Your Resume
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Matt, Michelle, and Michael dive into the research and pop news in and related to the field of Speech and Language Pathology and the Informed SLP breaks down the latest research. On this week’s episode the group looks at a law change that may allow parents to talk about why they sue a district and in the Due Process the crew looks at how to build a resume and a cover letter for a lucky listener. The Informed SLP looks at a recent study breaking down preschool stuttering.
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
SSPOD Shoutout: Do you know an SLP who deserves a digital fist bump or shout-out? We want to know your #SSPODSHOUTOUT, which is recognition for someone doing something awesome somewhere.
SSPOD Due Process: Your opportunity to message us about a problem in your area that you would like us to talk about, use the #SSPODDUEPROCESS.
Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Discord: https://discord.speechsciencepodcast.com
Speech Science Stuff: http://merchandise.speechsciencepodcast.com/
Presence Learning GiveAway: http://giveaway.speechsciencepodcast.com/
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Friday Feb 04, 2022
Social Language Impact on Cognition and COVID Brain Fog
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Matt, Michelle, Michael and special guest host, Marie Severson dive into the research and pop news in and related to the field of Speech and Language Pathology and the Informed SLP breaks down the latest research. On this week’s episode the group looks at social interaction and cognitive decline and what may be causing brain fog in Long Covid. The Informed SLP looks at a recent study that looked at improved oral health through the use of gummy vitamins.
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
SSPOD Shoutout: Do you know an SLP who deserves a digital fist bump or shout-out? We want to know your #SSPODSHOUTOUT, which is recognition for someone doing something awesome somewhere.
SSPOD Due Process: Your opportunity to message us about a problem in your area that you would like us to talk about, use the #SSPODDUEPROCESS.
Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Discord: https://discord.speechsciencepodcast.com
Speech Science Stuff: http://merchandise.speechsciencepodcast.com/
Presence Learning GiveAway: http://giveaway.speechsciencepodcast.com/
New Episode and Interact here:
Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/speechsciencepodcast
Rate and Review:
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Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Everything You Need to Know for Your Side Hustle
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Tuesday Jan 25, 2022
Matt, Michelle, Michael and special guest host, Mai Ling Chan (CPO of Xceptional Learning, Xceptional Leaders Podcast, Becoming an Xceptional Leader) dive into the research and pop news in and related to the field of Speech and Language Pathology and the Informed SLP breaks down the latest research. On this week’s episode the group discusses everything you need to know when it comes to making a side hustle into your main hustle. The Informed SLP looks at thickened liquids and nipple flow for infants.
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
SSPOD Shoutout: Do you know an SLP who deserves a digital fist bump or shout-out? We want to know your #SSPODSHOUTOUT, which is recognition for someone doing something awesome somewhere.
SSPOD Due Process: Your opportunity to message us about a problem in your area that you would like us to talk about, use the #SSPODDUEPROCESS.
Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Discord: https://discord.speechsciencepodcast.com
Speech Science Stuff: http://merchandise.speechsciencepodcast.com/
Presence Learning GiveAway: http://giveaway.speechsciencepodcast.com/
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Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Whose Fault is Burnout, Our Favorite Apps, and Special Guest Kristin Martinez
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Matt, Michelle, Michael and special guest host, Rachel Archaumbault (the PTSDSLP) dive into the research and pop news in and related to the field of Speech and Language Pathology and the Informed SLP breaks down the latest research. On this week’s episode the group looks at who is to blame for burnout and their favorite apps for online therapy. Michelle interviewed Kristin Martinez from Presence Learning. The Informed SLP tackles the Aging Swallow.
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
SSPOD Shoutout: Do you know an SLP who deserves a digital fist bump or shout-out? We want to know your #SSPODSHOUTOUT, which is recognition for someone doing something awesome somewhere.
SSPOD Due Process: Your opportunity to message us about a problem in your area that you would like us to talk about, use the #SSPODDUEPROCESS.
Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Discord: https://discord.speechsciencepodcast.com
Speech Science Stuff: http://merchandise.speechsciencepodcast.com/
Presence Learning GiveAway: http://giveaway.speechsciencepodcast.com/
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Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Intelligibility Norms and Special Education Predictions
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Matt, Michelle, and Michael dive into the research and pop news in and related to the field of Speech and Language Pathology and the Informed SLP breaks down the latest research. Due to technical difficulties, the audio on this episode has been repaired and some parts had to be cut due to audio troubles. On this week’s episode, they look at 2 key predictions for the realm of special education on the other side of the pandemic and why what we think of intelligibility norms may be way off. The Informed SLP tackles Dysarthria Severity. PresenceLearning has also teamed up with Speech Science for a brand new giveaway!
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
SSPOD Shoutout: Do you know an SLP who deserves a digital fist bump or shout-out? We want to know your #SSPODSHOUTOUT, which is recognition for someone doing something awesome somewhere.
SSPOD Due Process: Your opportunity to message us about a problem in your area that you would like us to talk about, use the #SSPODDUEPROCESS.
Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Discord: https://discord.speechsciencepodcast.com
Speech Science Stuff: http://merchandise.speechsciencepodcast.com/
GiveAway: http://giveaway.speechsciencepodcast.com/
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Monday Nov 01, 2021
Confronting Your Bias
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Yes Matt does say 148 all episode but it is 147. Matt lost track of the episode numbers! Matt, Michelle, and Michael check in with their current therapy realms and then dive deep into identifying personal biases. The Informed SLP tackles communication deficits in the NICU.
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
SSPOD Shoutout: Do you know an SLP who deserves a digital fist bump or shout-out? We want to know your #SSPODSHOUTOUT, which is recognition for someone doing something awesome somewhere.
SSPOD Due Process: Your opportunity to message us about a problem in your area that you would like us to talk about, use the #SSPODDUEPROCESS.
Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Voicemail: (614) 681-1798
Discord: https://discord.speechsciencepodcast.com
Speech Science Stuff: http://merchandise.speechsciencepodcast.com/
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Monday Oct 25, 2021
Season 6 Kickoff!
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
This week Matt and Michelle kick off season 6 while Michael returns from a speaking engagement. The crew discuss where they have been and the rise of fake SLPs in social media. They also have homework for the listeners, what is your bias?
The Informed SLP dives into the world of Cup Based Evidence. .
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
The Informed SLP: They take a look at the science on choosing the right cup for a typically-developing child—and find that there isn’t any.
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Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
The rising tide of the school caseload and medical field burnout
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Wednesday Jun 30, 2021
Matt, Michael, and Michelle look at the rising tidal wave of increased caseloads that may happen during the next school year. With students being served at home and missed evaluations, there is an assumption that caseloads will rise the next year. The group also looks at medical burnout and way to avoid it. The Informed SLP breaks down unilateral vocal fold immobility.
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Monday Jun 07, 2021
Trauma Informed Care and Parkinson's Disease and Dysphagia
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
This week Michael has taken the week off but Speech Science is lucky to have Ruchi Kapila step in as a cohost. Ruchi is the Co-Creater and Co-Host of The Hyndsyte Project Podcast. Michelle continues to re-pack for her move back to the state of Texas! Ruchi just returned from presenting at the Northwest Art and Science of the Performing Voice Conference and is looking forward to the next few weeks of being in Texas. Matt finished at the school district for the summer and took his boys camping over the weekend.
The crew discuss the need to address trauma and the return to in person therapy and the affect medication may have on dysphagia and patients with Parkinson’s Disease. The Informed SLP looks at recommendations for Oral Care with patients with Parkinson’s Disease. The shoutout this week goes to MarissaMM and other grad students who have recently passed their Praxis and are preparing for the world of being a CF. The Due Process asks the crew if they would be okay with wearing identification on their name badge identifying if they have received the vaccine or not.
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
SSPOD Shoutout: Do you know an SLP who deserves a digital fist bump or shout-out? We want to know your #SSPODSHOUTOUT, which is recognition for someone doing something awesome somewhere.
SSPOD Due Process: Your opportunity to message us about a problem in your area that you would like us to talk about, use the #SSPODDUEPROCESS.
Topic #1: As the world of therapy continues to move to in person, the crew discuss the importance of addressing and acknowledging the unspoken trauma that our clients and students have been through.
Topic #2: A recent student looked at the impact medications may have on dysphagia in patients with Parkinson’s Disease. Medication may lead to poorer oral health conditions and when paired with poor self-recognition of dysphagia symptoms may be putting our patients at risk.
The Informed SLP: You’re seeing a patient with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) who’s complaining of difficulty swallowing. Your exam reveals that his overall oral health is in need of some attention. We know the state of our mouths has a lot to do with how we chew and swallow. Maybe this is contributing to his difficulty swallowing?
ASHA Spotlight:
Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Voicemail: (614) 681-1798
Discord: https://discord.speechsciencepodcast.com
Speech Science Stuff: http://merchandise.speechsciencepodcast.com/
New Episode and Interact here:
Closed Captioning Available Here:
Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/speechsciencepodcast
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Intro Music: Please Listen Carefully by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.
Bump Music: County Fair Rock, copyright of John Deku, at soundcloud.com/dirtdogmusic
The Informed SLP: At The Count by Broke For Free is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License
Closing Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
Show Links
The Informed SLP:
Ruchi Kapila
Trauma and the Client
Dysphagia and Parkinson’s
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