A podcast dedicated to answering the question: What is Communication? Marie, Matt, Michelle, Michael, and Rachel are all licensed and certified Speech and Language Pathologists. They break down the latest in Speech and Language Therapy, interview leaders in the field, and apply evidence-based practice to their discussions.

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Returning to Schools, Covid and Your Voice, and Med Students Performing Speech
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Michelle’s trip to Kansas was side-lined as she faces quarantine. Michael has been working with students and their families to ensure language skills continue to generalize and he found a way to end up on the Golf Course. Matt continues to work home health care and has found a new love for some clear liquors while he has been tested every 2 weeks for COVID.
On today’s show, we discuss Houston medical students being asked to be SLPs, the tell tale signs in your voice of COVID, and the return to schools for SLPS. This week’s Informed SLP Dr. Meredith Poore Harold stops by to talk about why we shouldn’t buy into the Headlines. We also look at our SSPOD Shoutouts and Due Process.
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
SSPOD Shoutout: Do you know an SLP who deserves a digital fist bump or shout out? We want to know your #SSPODSHOUTOUT, which is recognition for someone doing something awesome somewhere. Tera Sumpter submitted a Shoutout to Tina Moreno the co-founder of Camp Alec.
SSPOD Due Process: Do you have a complaint or need to vent, then you want to participate in the #SSPODDUEPROCESS. This week’s due process was submitted anonymously: How do we balance returning to schools and the safety of everyone involved?
Topic #1: Families in several states are suing to have their students IEP minutes met during the change in schooling. Tied into the Due Process for this week, how do we balance the needs of our students and also the safety of the caregivers?
Topic #2: A recent article highlighted Med-Students performing SLP services, what should have happened?
Topic #3: COVID may change your voice and may be detectable
The Informed SLP: Dr. Meredith Poore Harold stops by and talks with Matt about the importance of diving deep into the articles and not falling for just the headlines.
Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Voicemail: (614) 681-1798
Discord: https://discord.speechsciencepodcast.com
New Episode and Interact here:
Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/speechsciencepodcast
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Intro Music: Please Listen Carefully by Jahzzar is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.
Bump Music: County Fair Rock, copyright of John Deku, at soundcloud.com/dirtdogmusic
The Informed SLP: At The Count by Broke For Free is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License
Closing Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
Show Links
The Informed SLP:
Non-Licensed SLPs?
Covid and Your Voice
Returning to School and Lawsuits?
Speech Science Powered by: You!

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Dysphagia Tools, IDEA Failures, and Counseling
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Michael and Michelle have the week off, so Leigh Ann Porter, host of Speech Uncensored settles into the co-host chair this week with Matt. Leigh Ann recounts her week in the clinical setting and the joy of seeing a patient returning to your caseload. Matt’s home health caseload continues to rise which means his free time continues to decrease. Matt and Leigh Ann discuss the tests they enjoy when working with adults. In the middle of the show, Matt had to run down a mouse in his house!
On today’s show, we look at tools for dysphagia, the importance of counseling during therapy, and which states are failing IDEA. This week’s Informed SLP looks at perceptual ratings for dysarthric speech. We also look at our SSPOD Shoutouts and Due Process. The ASHA spotlight looks at the ASHA Connect Conference.
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
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Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Its episode 118, even if they keep calling it episode 117. During this week’s show, they plan for a longer Fourth of July Weekend. Michelle’s child turns two on the fourth this week as she wraps up her last few days before her move. Michael looks forward to some social distancing family get togethers. Matt talks about how he is terrible at using the holidays in his speech and language therapy and he will be attending a reverse parade.
On today’s show, we discuss recent research showing why some words are easier to remember than others, Disney World has won a disability lawsuit, and how music impacts memory. This week’s Informed SLP looks at tongue ties. We also look at our SSPOD Shoutouts and Due Process. The ASHA spotlight looks at what ASHA is doing to spotlight SLPs of color.
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
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Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
During this week’s show, the group practiced going live on Instagram. Michael’s clinic has begun to open up to in person live therapy and he continues to balance the role teletherapy has on his current caseload as well. Michelle continues to prep for leave to Kansas and looks to transition patients to new therapists. Matt is now being tested every other week for Covid-19 as part of keeping the home health staff and patients safe.
On today’s show, we discuss recent research comparing teletherapy to in person therapy and the role COVID-19 has in impacting future graduate school classes. This week’s Informed SLP looks at the importance of timing for therapy. We also look at our SSPOD Shoutouts and Due Process. The ASHA spotlight looks at the ASHA online communities. Christina Ristuccia returns for the third time to discuss when to finally discharge a student when you have been working on /r/ for so long. So how do you avoid the lifers?
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
SSPOD Shoutout: Do you know an SLP who deserves a digital fist bump or shout out? We want to know your #SSPODSHOUTOUT, which is recognition for someone doing something awesome somewhere. Courtney Claxton is an SLP who has created an online community for speech and language pathologists and hearing professionals living with hearing loss.
SSPOD Due Process: Do you have a complaint or need to vent, then you want to participate in the #SSPODDUEPROCESS.
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Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
: Paid Grad School, SLP Assistants, Napping, and Treatment of Articulation
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
Wednesday Jun 24, 2020
During this week’s show, Matt can’t get over the planned obsoleteness of Apple products with a new cord style for his new iPad. Michael has gotten back onto the telepractice train and is enjoying the teletherapy. He discusses ways he may look at telepractice as a potential add-on service to his private practice. Michelle returned to work with a lower caseload and continues to plan the move across the country. The group discusses the positives and negatives of the new work from home model during the pandemic. On Discord, you can interact directly with Matt, Michael, and Michelle.
On today’s show, we discuss ASHA certifying SLP assistants, the ASHA Learning Pass, paying students in grad school, and the importance of napping on the developing brain. This week’s Informed SLP looks at . We also look at our SSPOD Shoutouts and Due Process. The ASHA spotlight looks at the ASHA Learning Pass.
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
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Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
ASHA Election Results, Special Education, Covid, and Lawsuits, AAC as a Language
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
The show has been off the air for the past few weeks to allow for other voices to be heard on matters of significance. We at Speech Science believe there is no room for racism and we will commit to do what we can to shed light and make changes in areas we can. We condemn the murders of George Floyd and Breona Taylor and all those who are not named but are equally important. We believe Black Lives Matter.
During this week’s show, Matt has finished his Medicaid Billing and has stumbled upon the Harley Quinn show on the DC Universe App. Michelle has returned to work and plans a move across the country to Kansas. Michael has been educating himself and those around him about the impact of Black Lives Matter. On Discord, you can interact directly with Matt, Michael, and Michelle.
On today’s show, we look at the yearly ASHA Elections results, making parents rescind their rights to waive liabilities, special education and the return in the fall, and ASHA’s response to Black Lives Matter and calls to end racism in our field. Also, is AAC another language? What if this means we should be devoting upto 360 minutes per week to AAC development? This week’s Informed SLP update, they look at the teach back method. We also look at our SSPOD Shoutouts and Due Process. The ASHA spotlight looks at the yearly ASHA Elections. We also replace the Hot Take with a Hot Seat
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
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Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
The group discusses what they would have done different in grad school and what they wish grad schools would have offered. On the show this week, Mike has hit the digital wall with zoom meetings from morning till the afternoon. Michelle has been using the ASHA education portal to take advantage of free CEUs and Matt wonders why the Learning Pass isn’t free all the time. Matt ended his bowling season for the high school kids. On Discord, you can interact directly with Matt, Michael, and Michelle and let them know how you are handling digital meetings all day.
On today’s show, we look at the yearly ASHA Elections for vice-president for Finances of ASHA, offers to thank front line workers, and the potential to waive special education law. This week’s Informed SLP update, they at the difference between pharyngeal and esophageal stasis. We also look at our SSPOD Shoutouts and Due Process. The ASHA spotlight looks at the yearly ASHA Elections. We also replace the Hot Take with a Hot Seat
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
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Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
On the show this week the crew talks about non-compete clauses in the middle of a pandemic, the use of social media and Tik Tok, Michael prepared for a live presentation on xceptionaled.com, and building garden walls. The group talks teletherapy and how that has changed the way they document and present therapy. On Discord, you can interact directly with Matt, Michael, and Michelle and let them know how you handle articulation. Christine Ristuccia, M.S. CCC-SLP, the creator of Say It Right and the Entire World of R, sat down with Matt to talk /R/, starting a company, and how she became Mrs. R. On today’s show we look at the yearly ASHA Elections for president of ASHA and the ways to take better data. This week’s Informed SLP update, they look at how we conduct swallow studies. We also look at our SSPOD Shoutouts and Due Process. The ASHA spotlight looks at the yearly ASHA Elections. We also replace the Hot Take with a Hot Seat
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
Read the rest of this entry »

Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Travel Therapy, Sleep, Therapy Apps, and Therapy Minutes
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Michael has been using teletherapy to continue to grow his private practice. He has found merits in this new part of the field may keep it going after the quarantine is lifted. Michelle has not been seeing clients because of the Covid-19 lockdown. Matt and Michelle talk the trials and tribulations of navigating unemployment, at this time. Michelle’s son continues to develop language and puts a new perspective on what we learned in a classroom. Matt recounts doing Easter from a safe social distance, his first live tele-therapy session, and the impact of being with his kids 24/7 has had on him. On Discord, you can interact directly with Matt, Michael, and Michelle and let them know if you are considering working in a travel position or how you are coping with the pandemic lock-down. Ashley Hamlin from TherapyTravelers, a travel speech and language therapy company, sat down with Michelle to talk about the positives of setting your own location for a travel position. On today’s show we look at the importance of sleep on cognition and a new FDA certified Speech Therapy App. This week’s Informed SLP update, they look at the importance of minutes and why you may be spending twice the time needed. We also look at our SSPOD Shoutouts and Due Process. The ASHA spotlight looks at what ASHA is doing for us during this time of pandemic. We also replace the Hot Take with a Hot Seat
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
Read the rest of this entry »

Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Matt is not watching Wrestlemania for the first time in over 5 years as he lost his interest in the show. In the realm of therapy, Matt got his hands on an N-95 mask to wear for his safety. Michelle and her family have been doing the best they can to get out of the house as much as possible into their yard. Michael and Matt talk about getting hair-cuts at home. On Discord, the talk has been about how to handle long-distance learning in the schools. Leanna Sherred from Expressable, an online speech and language therapy company, sat down with Matt to talk about ways to implement teletherapy. On today’s show, we look at the 2020 Medicare outpatient coding changes, external memory aides, and changes to educational law based on Covid-19. This week’s Informed SLP update, they look at the long term effects of concussion. We also look at our SSPOD Shoutouts and Due Process. The ASHA spotlight looks at what ASHA is doing for us during this time of the pandemic. We also replace the Hot Take with a Hot Seat
The Discord is up and ready for people to interact with the crew 24/7 with a new website, www.discord.speechsciencepodcast.com.
SSPOD Shoutout: Do you know an SLP who deserves a digital fist bump or shout out? We want to know your #SSPODSHOUTOUT, like our Military SLPs who participated in a countrywide social hour online. .
SSPOD Due Process: Do you have a complaint or need to vent, then you want to participate in the #SSPODDUEPROCESS.
Article #1: At the beginning of the year, Medicare changed the billing and coding for outpatient therapy. Michael talks about a change that has affected him since the start of the new year.
Article #2: How does visual aides affect long term memory? Visual aids can lead to better recovery of information, but only if you are using them correctly. Michael breaks down how this looks for executive functioning.
Article #3: A waiver may be introduced for schools affected by Covid-19. What does this mean for therapy minutes on an IEP?
Interview: Leanne Sherred of Expressable sat down with Matt to talk Telepractice and ways to make it work. Leanne calls Austin, Texas home but studied Speech and Hearing Sciences at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and gained her Master's in Speech-language pathology from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. While her interest in speech prior to college was piqued by accents and dialects as it pertained to acting and performance, once she began studying in the field, her eyes were opened to the huge range of topics that an SLP can cover. She has worked in pediatric outpatient clinics, schools, early intervention, and home health. As many SLPs do, she found working with students, patients, and clients to be her favorite part, but dreaded the paperwork headache of insurance submissions and SO many denials. Her heart broke for families that were denied coverage, especially when out-of-pocket speech rates meant that the family would then potentially forgo the services all together. So with the combined brainpower of her husband, Nick - who has experience in the healthcare tech industry - and two other teammates, the vision for Expressable was created. A telepractice company, Expressable envisions a modern and affordable way for anyone who needs speech therapy to access it - with all the superb convenience of therapy at home and without breaking the bank.
The Informed SLP: A recent study looked at the effects of a concussion. Post-concussion participants scored normal on the discrete cognitive-linguistic tests typically used. However, when shown an unfamiliar video, then given 5 minutes to write a narrative, the patients with post-concussion produced significantly fewer key story points.
ASHA Spotlight: The crew celebrate ASHA’s one-stop-shop for all information affecting SLPs and AuDs with the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Voicemail: (614) 681-1798
Discord: https://discord.speechsciencepodcast.com