A podcast dedicated to answering the question: What is Communication? Marie, Matt, Michelle, Michael, and Rachel are all licensed and certified Speech and Language Pathologists. They break down the latest in Speech and Language Therapy, interview leaders in the field, and apply evidence-based practice to their discussions.

Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
Episode 21: Bob Cunningham, Vice President, Products and Development, Tobii
Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
Tuesday Sep 12, 2017
The group recounts their weeks as Matt met Superbubz the first grade who graduated high school, Lucas has made it through the week without wrecking another car, and Ivan continues to do good work in the preschools. For this week’s topics, the falling sales of Legos as compared to the rise of tablets and the inclusion of eye gaze software into all situations. Legos have suffered from the rise of touch screens but they are not going away. Legos in the therapy room can be a very highly effective tool in working with students with Autism and all students. As large tech companies purchase eye gaze software, the opportunities to use them continues to rise. Lucas offers his take on the use of eye gaze software being able to be used on tablets and home computers. This week is also the return for week 3 of Playing With Purpose. Emily Cohen discusses the importance of outside play for the growth of language and how to use it appropriately including building an out Sitting down with Lucas Steuber is Bob Cunningham. Bob talks about his history with AAC and how he became associated with Tobii. Bob also describes the future of AAC and Eye Gaze. When a competitor releases a new product, Bob discusses the response within Tobii. Lastly, Speech Science supports ASHA’s call to arms to continue funding for early hearing detection in NICUs and deliveries.

Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Episode 19: Armani Williams, NASCAR Driver
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Dr. Meredith Harold of the Informed SLP, joins the crew for the round table discussion. This is the last week to register to win the year subscription for IEPpal at www.speechscience.org/speechsciencepodcast . Matt tries to convince the group that wrestling and NASCAR are appropriate to speech therapy, while Lucas took one of his student skydiving thanks to the folks at iFly. Topic 1 for discussion focused on parents having to juggle the logistics of raising a student with disabilities. The crew discuss ways that can help families cope in and out of the school system and retailer Target is introducing sensory friendly clothing and Smart Knit Kids has a line as well. The second topic for discussion is focused on a study linking dementia to a lack of sleep and the proper amount of sleep required for the brain to function. Joining the group for a sit down interview is NASCAR Driver Armani Williams . Armani, NASCARs first driver diagnosed with Autism, discusses his rising career in NASCAR, working with Autism, and his plans to be a spokesperson for Autism. Armani Williams is a 17-year-old, Detroit-based professional NASCAR driver currently racing in the NASCAR Pinty’s Series of Canada in the #28 Dodge for Canada’s Best Race Team (CBRT).

Tuesday Aug 22, 2017
Episode 18: Donna Edwards, MS CCC-SLP
Tuesday Aug 22, 2017
Tuesday Aug 22, 2017
Episode 18: Don’t forget to sign up for a chance to win a year subscription from IEPpal at www.speechscience.org/giveaway. Up for discussion this week are news articles about new ways to identify autism in females and over the counter hearing aids. Sitting down for an interview this week, is Donna Edwards. Edwards is a former OSLHA president, current professor at Baldwin-Wallace University, and she also sits on the ASHA Government Relations and Public Policy Board. She speaks about the importance of feeding and dysphagia therapy both in clinical settings and in the school position. She also speaks about the personal side of being on the other end of therapy and career changes within the scope of speech and language pathology.

Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
Episode 17: Kelly Ibañez, MS CCC-SLP, a bilingual speech language pathologist
Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
Tuesday Aug 15, 2017
Episode 17: Don’t forget to sign up for a chance to win a year subscription from IEPpal at www.speechscience.org/giveaway. For discussion this week, the crew discuss a new study about the link of music to autism and the largest study on autism. Students in Oklahoma have speech therapy put on hold due to funding difficulties and a program to help identify differences versus disorders in English Language Learners. This week Ivan sat down with Kelly Ibañez, MS CCC-SLP, a bilingual speech language pathologist serving culturally and linguistically diverse individuals in Los Angeles, CA. Her clinical interests are bilingual language acquisition and public outreach. She creates and disseminates resources related to bilingual language acquisition on her website, The HOLA Blog (www.theholablog.com).

Tuesday Aug 08, 2017
Episode 16: Dr. Meredith Harold, PhD-SLP, The Informed SLP
Tuesday Aug 08, 2017
Tuesday Aug 08, 2017
Episode 16: On the podcast, Speech Science has its first guest host Theresa Richard. Theresa Richard jumps into the rotating chair and comes with some high credentials as the host of the newest podcast to join the Speech Science Network, Swallow Your Pride and www.mobiledysphagiadiagnostics.com . The group talks about Jeanie Gaffigan’s modified anniversary meal plans, dysphagia in the schools, and a Dutch dementia village. Dr. Meredith Harold, PhD-SLP, from the Informed SLP (http://www.theinformedslp.com) joined the Speech Science crew to discuss the importance of evidence based research to drive therapy.

Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Episode 15: Leah Helou, PHD, CCC-SLP, Voice Therapy in Transgender Clients
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
On this weeks episode of Speech Science, Luke is still in the great white north. Ivan and Matt discuss Telepractice, both positive and negative, and a way for students in Pittsburgh to gain an AAC device. Leah Helou, PhD, CCC-SLP, sat down with Ruchi Kapila, MS, CF-SLP and Chandru Vittal to discuss voice therapy and its effects on the Transgender Population.

Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
Episode 14: Susan Berkowitz, AAC
Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
Tuesday Jul 25, 2017
On Episode 14, the crew discuss Matt’s trip to the Brickyard 400, Luke is live from an iceberg, John McCain’s brain cancer scare, and why Dads should read bed time stories. Susan Berkowitz joins the crew this week to break down the latest and greatest in the field of AAC.

Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Episode 13: Dr. Keith Wolgemuth
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Episode 13: The Speech Science crew dispels 10 speech and language myths, discuss the shaping of pureed foods, and descant on the genetic components of pragmatic language skills. Joining the group on episode 13, is Keith Wolgemuth. Wolgemuth is a rehabilitative-audiologist who's the director of the SLPD program at Loma Linda University. Wolgemuth talks about how he bridges the worlds of audiology and speech language pathology.

Tuesday Jul 11, 2017
Episode 12: Dr. Maria Muñoz
Tuesday Jul 11, 2017
Tuesday Jul 11, 2017
On this week’s episode, the crew discuss a segregated school for students with disabilities, using drones to track children and adults with cognitive deficits, and actors with disabilities. Dr. Maria Muñoz joins the show to discuss bilingual aphasia and treatment, evidence based practice, and coordinating ASHA SIG 14.

Tuesday Jul 04, 2017
Episode 11: Heidi LoStracco, Speak for Yourself
Tuesday Jul 04, 2017
Tuesday Jul 04, 2017
This week on Speech Science, the crew discuss voice rest after Adele and Mayim Bialik are shut down due to vocal stress and the crew discuss therapy in Latino families. Also this week, Speech Science had the opportunity to sit down and speak with Heidi LoStracco founder of Speak for Yourself.