A podcast dedicated to answering the question: What is Communication? Marie, Matt, Michelle, Michael, and Rachel are all licensed and certified Speech and Language Pathologists. They break down the latest in Speech and Language Therapy, interview leaders in the field, and apply evidence-based practice to their discussions.
Saturday Jul 20, 2019
Saturday Jul 20, 2019
The show is back on the air. Between illness, travel, and a summer break the show returns with Michael and Matt this week. Summer may be in full swing Michael is preparing his clinic for the upcoming school year and Matt transitions from one school district to another one.
What happens when therapy ends? A recent article in the ASHA Leader identifies 5 strategies to turn parents from observers to a coaches. The impact teachers have in the classroom is unmistakable. Research shows that teachers can support the mental health of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students. Toy Story 4 has come out and made at least one of the hosts bawl, but a small but noticeable detail shows disabilities in the movies.
Lastly, have you heard of Inspiro-Porn? Inspiroporn is the act of filming yourself working with a person with a disability and sharing it for “likes.” Inspiroporn is showing a person completing a daily task but celebrating it in the news because they have a disability. What can we do to avoid falling in this trap?
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Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Episode 82: Disney and a Disability, Rolling with the Magic, LGBTQ Competency, Diagnosing Dementia, and Conversations with an Toddler
This week Michael talks about taking therapy from the clinic to the real world, Michelle talks swimming with a young child, and Matt is live from Disney World.
A Facebook post had an SLP state she may not work with a patient if she does not agree with their relationship status. How culturally competent are SLPs when it comes to LGBTQ populations? June is Pride Month and a study of 4 countries shows that SLPs have difficulty in identifying the needs of a growing population base. Why does the right diagnosis matter when it comes to Dementia? Many families hear the word dementia and think Alzheimer’s. Its important to educate our families and patients about the differences in dementia and the expected outcomes. Lastly, a wonderful video has hit the internet showing a dad and son talking. The son, however, is very young but has picked up some great social language skills. This video is a wonderful model for all parents.
How do you do Disney World if you have a Disability? Melissa Knight from Rolling with the Magic joins the conversation this week to help take away some of the anxiety related to vacationing with a disability. Melissa is a blogger and Disney Parks enthusiast who visits Walt Disney World several times a year. Melissa started her blog to share her experience as a wheelchair user and loves showing people that the parks are for everyone.
Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Voicemail: (614) 681-1798
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Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Episode 81: ASHA President, ASHA Convention Talk, Reading Aloud to Middle Schoolers, and Special Education Teacher Shortages
On this week’s show: Michelle talks orientation, Michael returns from Tahoe, and Matt talks parenting.
Who is to blame for teacher shortages? How do we keep teachers in the building? Is it caused by burnout? A recent NPR article discusses the rise of special education teacher shortages. Do you spend time in your therapy setting reading aloud? Would you read aloud to your middle school students? Research points out that reading aloud helps not just young students but the older students as well.
ASHA President Dr. Shari Robertson stops by to talk what is happening at ASHA. She speaks on when she found out she was elected, what her current roles and goals for ASHA are, and what she would like to see in the future. Dr. Robertson speaks on her initiative to add more imagination to therapy, what we can expect at the ASHA Connect 2019 and the ASHA National Convention 2019, ASHA international outreach, and how to carry over the good will from Better Speech and Hearing month into the rest of the year.
Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Voicemail: (614) 681-1798
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Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Saturday Jun 01, 2019
Episode 80: SLPs Helping SLPs, FAS and Receptive Language, Reading and Better Parenting, Aggies Achieve, and Stroke Recovery
We at Speech Science are heart broken for the families and friends affected on the Western Part of Ohio. Because of this, Speech Science has started emergency.speechsciencepodcast.com to allow SLPs to help other SLPs when therapy materials are destroyed due to natural disasters.
Children with FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) exhibit atypical auditory behaviors. The study this week looks into the impact FAS has on the receptive language of children. Parents who read to their children may be better parents according to a study out of Rutgers. Reading with children may be a predictor to the type of parenting style you will employ. Out of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital is a wonderful story about a young stroke patient and her recovery thanks to her SLP. Lastly, Texas A&M has created a program to allow young adults, no matter the disability, to attend college courses.
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Voicemail: (614) 681-1798
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Wednesday May 22, 2019
Ayesha Butt
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Episode 79: Ayesha Butt
Due to Travel and Illness taking down 2 of our 3 hosts we thought we would bring you one of our favorite interviews. 2 years ago, Ayesha Butt, a pioneer in the field in Pakistan. She speaks about creating the masters program, the need for more help, and the troubles of setting up a program in her country.
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Saturday May 18, 2019
Saturday May 18, 2019
Episode 78: Guillain-Barré Syndrome Recovery Part 2, Narratives on Autism, Battling Fake Science, and Soap Box Derby
On this week’s episode, Matt recounts his car accident while doing home health care and what it was like in the back of a police car, Michael traveled back to the big apple for family before his end of year evaluations kick in, and Michelle got to celebrate her first Mother’s Day as a mom and prepares for therapy training with horses. Do you use people first language? According to a recent study, people with autism may prefer to be called an autistic person. How does that change your therapy mindset? The measles outbreak has come on the backs of questionable and false science leading to anti-vaccine movements. How do we in the clinical setting combat false science? Lastly, many kids dream of driving a soap box derby car to victory. One town is allowing children and young adults with disabilities and opportunity to achieve this dream for themselves.
Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare neurological disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks part of its peripheral nervous system. Carly Stoltenberg, M.S., CCC-SLP was working as an SLP for the past 20 years when at the age of 46 her live changed over-night. On part 2 of her interview, Carly talks about recovery and what her new normal looks like. How do you handle not being able to communicate when your job was teaching others to communicate? What would you say to a doctor who told you your recovery chances were low? Carly handles it like a champ!
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Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Voicemail: (614) 681-1798
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Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
Episode 77: Guillain-Barré Syndrome Recovery, Cognitive Impacts on Motor Speech, Occupational Privilege Taxes, and Getting Outside
Matt, Michael, and Michelle are all back in the chairs this week. Matt had a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, Michael finally saw Avengers: Endgame, and Michelle is preparing to work with horses in therapy. What impact does cognitive load have on motor speech production? Increased cognitive processing can impede the speed in which motor production happens. The group discuss what this may look like in therapy. Tennessee has recently repealed 22 million dollars in taxes by removing the $400 Occupational Privilege Tax for SLPs and AuDs. How does our multiple licensures, accreditations, and associations affect our ability to practice. Lastly, your kids are spending too much time inside. How long should they be outside? Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare neurological disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks part of its peripheral nervous system. Carly Stoltenberg, M.S., CCC-SLP was working as an SLP for the past 20 years when at the age of 46 her live changed over-night. She tells her story about being intubated, using AAC, and her recovery.
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Thursday May 02, 2019
Diagnostic Decisions, 1 Million Word Gap, Lego Braille, and Free Comic Book Day
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
Episode 76: Diagnostic Decisions, 1 Million Word Gap, Lego Braille, and Free Comic Book Day
Special guest host, the award winner and the only member of XPN to have her name on a shirt from Talking with Tech, Rachel Madel sat down with Michael and Michelle this week. Michael on a fresh return from a trip to Boston and Matt continues to count down his days till summer break while Rachel preps for a trip to the Grand Canyon. 97% of clinicians allow standardized scores to guide their clinical decisions, but is that the best way to make the decision? They discuss the role of the “Diagnostic Triangle.” If you read a child 5 books a day from the day they are born, they will have heard 1.5 Million words by the time their 5. If you don’t read to them, they may be missing over a million words. Lego is teaching children Braille. Lastly, this week is Free Comic Book Day (Saturday May 4th). Summer Loehr from the SLBeeps stops in to discuss the funny books and therapy. You should be using comic books in your therapy sessions and we will tell you where to get some free books and also why you should buy something else while you are there.
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Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
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Friday Apr 26, 2019
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Episode 75: Dementia and Telephone Scams, Captioned Telephone Services, ASHA President Elect Candidate Lynn Williams
Could our ability to fall for multi-media scams be a sign for dementia? Your ability to understand and identify phishing attempts could be directly linked to signs for future dementia. AAA and ASHA have teamed up to create a standard for captioned telephone services. Dr. Lynn Williams sat down with Speech Science to discuss the power of the CCCs, the future of the association, and her view on the direction it should go. Dr. Williams also touched on how to improve awareness and advocacy in our field and what does the clinical doctorate has to do with it.
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Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Voicemail: (614) 681-1798
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Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Episode 74: Preschool and ADHD, Occupational Licensure, SLP Saturation, and ASHA President Elect Candidate Dr. Howard Goldstein, CCC-SLP
How young is too young for preschool? Does sending a student to school too early lead to ADHD? Would going to preschool for an extra year help with development of our students? Studies show that an increased year in preschool can help children learn the soft skills needed for school. Some states are looking at changing the Occupational Licensure requirements. What does ASHA’s recent announcement of joining the Professional Certification Coalition mean for those of us in these states? Is your state oversaturated with SLPs? If you find yourself negotiating for a new job, what do you need to do? ASHA President-Elect Candidate Howard Goldstein came on air to talk about his future for the organization, what ASHA can do to improve its image with its SLPs and AuDs, the important of evidence based practice, and what he would like to accomplish in his 3 years.
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Email: speechsciencepodcast@gmail.com
Voicemail: (614) 681-1798
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